Tuesday 27 May 2008

How To Find The Best Affiliate Products To Sell

There are thousands of affiliate products out there covering every topic and niche you can possible think of. They come in many different flavors, e-books, reports, videos, coaching programs, training systems, the list goes on and on. For each of these affiliate products there are tens, hundreds and in some case thousands of people just like you trying to sell them.

But with so much diversity and choice how do you which products are the best. By this I mean which ones will sell more easily, make you the greatest commissions and raise your profile in the internet marketing circle.

The first thing you need is a idea, what are you passionate about maybe you have a keen interest in health and fitness or you enjoy taking photographs. Maybe you are an expert in internet marketing. Find a niche that you know something about, you need to be able to write about it and educate others.

Now dont panic, you do not have to be an expert on your chosen niche, you just need to know something about it. Chances are that you will already know more than 99% of the people out there.

Where is the best place to start? We need to first establish if your chosen niche or subject is suitable for affiliate marketing. To do this simply follow these 3 steps.

Step 1 - Use Google

Google is a great reference to how competitive a niche is and how many people advertise in it. If you open Google in your browser and search for, lets say health and fitness. You will get pages and pages of results, however we are interested in the sponsored results. This are shown on the right hand side of the search results and sometimes in a purple box above the natural or organic results.

Companies and individuals have to pay for sponsored adverts so this is a good indication if your niche is going to profitable. The more sponsored links the better as more people want a slice of the action. You are better choosing a overcrowded niche than a quiet one. You know this is popular it is easier to try and sell into a competitive niche rather than be a pioneer with a new product and a untested niche.

Step 2 - DMOZ.org

DMOZ.org is a huge directory of the web. We are going to use DMOZ to find out if there are any forums and chat sites for you chosen niche. I have found the best way to do this is to find your chosen niche using the links on the homepage and then look for the Resources option in the list. You can then breakdown this again and find chats and forums. It can take a little time to get used to, but if there are forums for niche you should find them here. Forums offer a good marketing opportunity that I will be covering in another article.

Step 3 - Find the products

I use two ways to fid the products now that I have identified that my niche is competitive and that there are forums and chat rooms where people go to discuss and advise each other.

Method 1 - Go back to Google and search for your niche + affiliate product or + affiliate opportunity. It depends very much on your niche but this can lead to good results.

Method 2 - Go to Clickbank.com and click on the Marketplace. You can now search in your chosen niche and you will be given a list of products that are available for you to sell. Each product includes a link to the sellers homepage, the cost of the product and the amount of commission you can receive for each sale and most important of all the gravity score. This is basically how good the product it, the higher the score the better, this signifies a good commission rate and a high rate of conversions. A conversion is when a visitor goes to the sellers site and buys the product.

We have run through the 3 basic steps that will help you to find the best affiliate products. If you want to take your affiliate marketing to the next step get the step by step video course at GetAffiliateMillionsNow.com.

I wish you the best of success.

Mark Voce

If you want a affiliate marketing product that will actually show you how to make money, include all the steps and cut out the bull, check out Affiliate Marketing Made Easy GetAffiliateMillionsNow.com

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